Tiger Institute to Join Classes, Focus on Special Topics

If you’ve ever been curious about tea traditions around the world, or if you’re looking to plan an art installation or find a good read for your book club, 问问澳门新葡新京官方的中学生就知道了.

在学校的最后四天, students in grades 6 through 8 will participate in Tiger Institute, a new program akin to the mini-courses that have long been held in Ellis’ 上学校 at the end of the year.
“我们观察了迷你裙在高中的发展情况, 这也成为了澳门新葡新京官方的标志, 所以我们认为, “让我们试试这个,’” 中学 Science and Math Teacher Jaclynn 夫人说. “The 中学 teachers worked together this spring to develop Tiger Institute courses based on student interests, 与健康和领导力学习相结合. 有烹饪课程, 一个mini-musical, 还有一个杂志研讨会, 还有一个读书俱乐部和一个艺术装置.”

中学 Division Head Jenn 莫伊尼汉说 the idea for Tiger Institute came out of a conversation during a deans meeting. Ms. Dame was tasked with coordinating the logistics of the program, which was developed collaboratively by 中学 teachers and leadership.

Tiger Institute will replace capstone projects, which previously took place at the end of the year. Teachers will p空气 up to lead the four-day courses; students can select their preferred courses, 然后被分配到他们要选的那一个. Each course will include students from different grades, 允许更多的跨年级合作. The program will also incorporate health and wellness activities.

“We’re hoping this will let them have a little bit of agency over what they decide to do and they come away from that week feeling excited about it,” Ms. 夫人说.

Culinary experience Tantalizing Tiger Treats teaches kitchen safety, 比如如何安全地用刀切菜和切丁, as well as how to follow a recipe to make no-bake treats. The course will also focus on age-appropriate nutrition skills and will teach math in the form of calculating how to substitute ingredients and double recipes.

在另一门课上, 学生将开发和出版一份传统的杂志, 一个小规模的发行量, self-published magazine—writing articles on the topics of their choice. They will also study the history of zines as a literary form and will look at the impact the rise of these publications has had on women’s rights movements.

在装置艺术和声音, students will find a space on campus they want to transform and will create an interactive art experience in it. This course is inspired by a 中学 field trip to the Mattress Factory museum last year.

保姆俱乐部将专注于儿童保育安全, All 关于 Tea will explore the cultural and historical significance of tea in different countries, and a book club will discuss cultural themes in Karuna Riazi’s 一点点地球是弗朗西丝·霍奇森·伯内特(Frances Hodgson Burnett)小说的现代翻版 秘密花园. In Musical Madness, students will learn, stage, and perform a song from 歌舞青春

“It feels very much like a liberal arts study,” says 中学 English Teacher Amy Rigsby. “Students are taking all the thinking and learning they’ve had over the past year and applying it in a new way. It’s a great way to end the year with a passion for learning.”

Each day will be split into three sections: wellness activities such as yoga, 正念, 着色, or reading; course workshops with their group and House Games, including a flag football clinic and 中学 Olympiad; and a workshop expo where the students will showcase the work they did during the week.

五年级学生将参加健康活动, but will spend these four days on a separate and long-standing project, 澳门新葡新京官方地球守护体验(E3). E3 helps students develop awareness of their importance to the environment and an understanding of the interrelationships on the earth. Content focuses on energy sources and human impacts on the water, 空气, 和土地, 以及减轻和减少这些影响的方法. The program will include speakers from the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority and from the Head of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University. Activities will include a field trip to the Tour-Ed Mine and a class trip to Lutherlyn Outdoor Center (in the fall).

Ms. 莫伊尼汉说 中学 teachers find ways throughout the year to have students make connections with classmates across grade levels, 这是另一种方法. It’s also a nice way to mix things up at the end of the school year.

“Holding Tiger Institute at the end of the school year is a great culminating experience. While these are courses that tangentially relate to their academic classes, 它们只关注一件事,” Ms. 莫伊尼汉说. “We want students to sign up for the one that speaks to them the most.”

Ms. 夫人说 she’s looking forward to feedback from each class so that teachers can keep updating the program in ways that are interesting to their students. She hopes to reach a point in the future where eighth graders can propose workshops.

But for now, she’s excited to see how this year will play out.

“I’m really just excited to see how the students engage with it, 看到他们走到一起,在一些事情上合作, and to have the teachers be super excited about what they’re going to deliver this week,她说。.


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