Six Things We Love About Spring at Ellis

Spring is an exciting time for schools, and especially for Ellis, as we celebrate each student’s rise to the next grade level, prepare for a variety of special events in May and June, 告别我们的毕业生,因为他们踏上了他们教育的下一个令人兴奋的步骤. 以下是我们每年春天最期待的一些亮点.
Lower School Musical: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
今年的年度低年级音乐剧是一个有趣和丰富多彩的方式来教授各种有价值的主题:诚实, practicing self control, treating others the way you want to be treated, creating balance in your life and being a good member of society. It’s also a full circle moment for the fourth graders; Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory 最后一次在澳门新葡新京官方演出是在这些学生上学前班的时候他们扮演的是松鼠. 今年,按照传统,四年级学生将领衔主演.

“和这些学生一起重温这个节目很有趣,因为他们记得它,” said Lower School Music Teacher Jayla Griggs. “It’s really this positive, 最终的项目真正将四年级学生的低年级经历联系在一起.”

Author Day
自从莎拉·布鲁克在1991-1992学年成为澳门官方老葡京的图书管理员以来,“作家日”一直是该校的传统. 此后的每一年,除了2019冠状病毒病大流行期间的2020年和2021年之外. 布鲁克已经安排了一位儿童或青年作家访问学校, speak with the students, and talk about the writing process.

This spring, Ellis welcomed author and illustrator Don Tate, who shared his inspiring journey as an artist, writer, and creative, and discussed his work featuring little-known African Americans. He led an interactive drawing session with Lower School students, 家庭可以通过学校和白鲸书店的合作购买签名书.

“When kids see an author, they can see that it’s a possibility for them,” Ms. Brooke said. “它确实鼓励了对阅读和文学的热爱,并增强了整个阅读体验. It helps the kids understand who creates books, and what the process of writing, illustrating, and revising looks like.”

Rome Day
Building on the fifth graders’ study of ancient civilizations, 罗马日是一个悠久而受人喜爱的传统,它将历史教训带入生活. Students learn how to wrap togas and wear them throughout the day, 可以戴代表罗马女性风格的发型和珠宝. 这里有战车比赛——以体育课上的方形滑板车为特色——还有由家长提供食物的罗马风格的盛宴. They will also learn about an encryption technique, the Caesar Cipher, that Julius Caesar used to send secret messages to his allies.

但也有一个生动的学术组成部分,帮助学生了解罗马历史的一个重要部分:罗马人发明和建造的输水管道. 学生们以小组为单位建造拱门,并学习这些结构的工程知识. Amy Sidari, Grade 5 Dean and Middle School English and History Teacher, said there’s a lot of value in bringing these lessons to life. Building the arches is an important opportunity for teamwork, 同时也帮助学生了解这个古老文明有多先进. 她去过罗马,并展示了罗马今天的照片和视频.

她说:“我认为,当学生们描绘罗马时,他们通常会想到废墟。. “But those historic sites are only part of the city. Right next to those ruins are hotels, restaurants, cars and people. Showing them what Rome looks like today makes it more real.”

Medieval Faire
澳门新葡新京官方六年级的历史课侧重于中世纪,就像罗马日是五年级的亮点一样,为期两天的中世纪博览会也是一个备受喜爱的传统. This year, 每个学生都研究了一位中世纪或文艺复兴时期的女性,并在班上做了一个报告. 学生们可以通过加入一些代表那个人的服装或风格元素来纪念他们选择的女人, within appropriate cultural context. 这一天还将包括一个非战斗的比武比赛,学生们将用长矛瞄准一个铁环, 还有一个弹射器比赛,这是对他们在科学课上做的制作弹射器和学习简单机器的补充.

中学英语和历史老师娜塔莉·迪克森·贝尔(Natalie Dixon Bell)说,她一直在努力使中世纪博览会更具多元文化,以反映侧重于亚洲这一历史时期的历史课程, Africa, Mesoamerica, and Europe. Students will honor women from around the world, and food during the event will represent many countries.

“我认为对他们来说最令人印象深刻的是,他们理解并意识到那个时期的世界有多大,” she said. "To hear from their classmates about the different clothing, the different food, 人们在不同的地方做了什么——这真的让人明白,在同一时间发生了多少事情,世界是多么复杂.”

Mini Courses
高中9-11年级的学生在期末考试结束后,通过澳门新葡新京官方最喜欢的“迷你课程”深入学习一个学科领域,学习方式略有不同. Held during the last two weeks of the spring term, Mini Courses—most led by Ellis faculty, 但偶尔由学生带领——允许高年级学生参与突出他们可能不会探索的特定兴趣和内容领域的课程.

The 2024 Mini Course schedule includes: American History Through Film; Beyond Geometry: the Beauty of Fractals; Birding in Pittsburgh; Busted: Expressive Portraiture in Clay and many more. There are also club and wellness activities centered around books, puzzles, vinyl records, nature walks, and foundations of leadership.

“好处是,你可以选修很多不是选修课的课程,” said Ellis junior Zaitun Kirabo. This year, she will participate in Amplify Voices Book Club, a course that explores narratives from underrepresented voices in society, and Beyond Starbucks, 这是一门访问独立咖啡店的课程,以了解更多有关企业可持续发展实践和支持当地经济的努力. “These are things you don’t normally get to take,” Zaitun said. “One year I took Negotiating Like a Pro, which was cool. There’s a lot of variety.”

Celebrating Seniors
This time of year is bittersweet, 当我们庆祝的时候,我们所有的前辈在准备告别的时候都取得了成就. 2024届学生通过完成各种独特的高级项目结束了他们在澳门新葡新京官方的时光, which you can read about in our article 澳门新葡新京官方高级项目探索健康,STEM教育,体育,艺术和更多. Within the next few weeks, 他们将在高年级结业活动中受到表彰,而那些从低年级开始就在这里生活的学生将参加高年级学生招待会. 今年6月毕业后,2024届毕业生将前往16所不同的学院和大学. See the list here!

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