Campus News

Ellis Outdoors: Supporting Pittsburgh Parks
在过去的一年里,澳门新葡新京官方社区多次走上户外活动, joining with parks and regional organizations to plant trees, clean up local spaces, and educate the public about important Pittsburgh landmarks.

In October, 四年级和七年级的学生自愿加入“匹兹堡之树”组织,通过用本地树木取代入侵植物,帮助恢复Negley Run路周围地区的活力. They helped plant about 100 trees in the area. The project was part of the One Tree Per Child Pittsburgh initiative.

In November, 高中环境俱乐部与匹兹堡公园保护协会合作,在弗里克公园种植了38棵树.

As part of their Culture in Context course, 澳门新葡新京官方的十年级学生与梅隆公园之友合作,制作了播客节目,回答诸如, "How does art get in the park?," "What happened to the Mellon mansion?," "What kind of trees are in Mellon Park?"—and much more. In May, 学生们在公园周围张贴了澳门新葡新京官方的标志,上面有指向播客剧集的二维码. The students also held in-person presentations of their work. 播客现在可以在梅隆公园之友的网站上找到.

As a part of a focus on leadership and service during their CoLab time, 八年级的学生们在十月的“滨河之友”星期二的活动中做志愿者. 该活动在鸭子谷举行,以庆祝《澳门新葡新京官方》颁布50周年. 学生们清理了三河遗产步道上的入侵植物和垃圾, 并从匹兹堡上游学习了流域和水资源管理.

Ellis Expands Annual Heritage Day Celebration

Heritage Day, 这是由澳门新葡新京官方家长协会(EPA)组织的一个长期的日间传统, is a day of food, fun, 以及将澳门新葡新京官方社区聚集在一起庆祝我们学生及其家庭的多样性和文化的庆祝活动. This year’s event included 36 different countries, 在午餐时间,家长们会在校友堂提供来自他们国家的传统食物.

Expanded into the evening this year, the event brought more than 200 guests to Ellis for crafts, stories, and traditional dances. Table themes and features included Henna art, Diwali, Russian folk art, food from Uzbekistan, a Moroccan tea ceremony, Han-style Chinese costumes with related books and calligraphy activities, Iraqi food and decor, Korean-American kids' books, cafe de olla with besitos de nuez and a Lotería card game from Mexico, the history of the Kunitz German Bakery, the culture of Guam, and Persian New Year with handmade crafts from Iran.

“传统之夜为家庭提供了一个机会,不仅可以享受来自其他国家的美食,还可以通过讲故事的方式了解传统, textiles, crafts, ceremonies, and dance,” said then-EPA President Sharae Curd. “将庆祝活动延长到晚上,让家庭有机会一起探索文化,并与澳门新葡新京官方社区的其他家庭一起探索文化.”

Ellis' Annual Culture Jam Brings Schools Together to Celebrate Diversity

In January, 澳门新葡新京官方的学生多样性联盟协调了学校的年度文化果酱, a student-led, student-produced conference focused on diversity. This year, 50名来自匹兹堡地区5所高中的学生,包括温彻斯特瑟斯顿学校, Chartiers Valley, Justice Scholars (a part of Pittsburgh Public Schools), South Fayette, 和塞内卡山谷参观了澳门新葡新京官方,参加了当天的节目.

2023年的活动以“你有力量”为主题,重点关注自我倡导的力量. 23岁的崔妮蒂·西姆斯说,她在“文化果酱”的经历激发了她在匹兹堡的“布朗妈妈”组织开展宣传工作的灵感, and with the Fund for Advancement of Minorities Through Education (FAME).

“我的第一次文化果酱激发了我现在所做的行动主义, 确保我的大社区欢迎每个人,每个人都得到平等对待. 看到学生们大声疾呼,做我们正在为澳门新葡新京官方社区做的事情,这令人鼓舞,”她说.

The 20th annual Culture Jam will be held in 2024.

Fine Arts Festival Returns to Ellis

After a four-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 四月份,澳门新葡新京官方的美术节又回来了,有一个晚上的音乐表演, dancing and singing, clay throwing, artwork, and more.

This celebration of the arts at Ellis is usually held every other year. Students from across grade levels performed, exhibited their art, and led art talks and hands-on activities. Artwork from students in all divisions was displayed across campus, 学生们的表演还包括了低年级音乐剧的先睹为快, Seussical: The Musical. There were also roaming ukuleles, performances by the Lower School String Squad, Middle School String Quartet, Upper School Glee Club, and the Upper School Orchestra, Middle School acting, and Shakespearean monologues. 活动以澳门新葡新京官方中学和高中学生的联合表演《澳门官方老葡京》结束.

中高年级表演艺术老师兼系主任Elisa Hill说,社区和支持的感觉是显而易见的.

“孩子们为他们的同学加油,在所有的表演中都充满了正能量,这种感觉是我们无法重现的,” she said. "There was so much good cheer going around. 我将把这种能量带进夏天,希望在2025年能把它再造得更大更好!”

Welcoming Lauren Fajobi, Upper School Division Head

Lauren Fajobi被任命为高中部门负责人,自2023年7月1日起生效. Lauren之前曾担任本顿维尔的Thaden学校的副主任/高年级院长和科学学术主席, Arkansas. Prior to that, she spent five years at international schools in Turkey, where her roles included Academic Dean, Science Teacher (grades 6–12), and Spanish Teacher (grades 7–12). 在她的职业生涯开始时,她还在密西西比州担任西班牙语和生物教师.

Lauren holds a B.A. in Spanish Language, Literature, and Culture and a B.S. in Biological Sciences from the University of Maryland, College Park, 她在密西西比大学获得了课程与教学硕士学位.

劳伦接替了阿曼达·菲尼根(Amanda Finigan),后者自2021年以来一直担任澳门新葡新京官方的职务. 阿曼达已经接受了一个在她的家乡纽约州的机会,这个机会可以让她和家人住得更近.

Ellis Recognizes 2023 Retiree Kim Mechling

初中STEM教师Kim Mechling在Ellis工作了21年后,于2022-2023学年结束时退休. 在此期间,她担任了中学科学教师和后来的系主任,然后搬到低年级. Her students have broken rocks open and studied how they form, explored the Frick Environmental Center in every season, built roller coasters, launched rockets, and much, much more, all under her careful guidance.

"My favorite things about Ellis, easily, are the kids and teachers. The teachers are empowering and just such lovely people. They’re a lot of fun to work with. And the kids are just so loving,” she says. “是你的经历和和你一起工作的人让你成为老师.”
    • 高中环境俱乐部与匹兹堡公园保护协会合作,在弗里克公园种植了38棵树.

    • 澳门新葡新京官方的学生们在传统之夜观看一位家长展示海娜艺术.

    • Organized and led by Ellis students and held on campus, “2023文化果酱”包括表演活动,并促进了关于包容主题的对话.

    • 中高级学校表演艺术老师Elisa Hill在澳门新葡新京官方艺术节期间领导高级学校管弦乐队.

    • Lauren Fajobi将于2023年7月1日加入澳门新葡新京官方社区,担任高中部门负责人.

    • 初中STEM教师Kim Mechling在Ellis工作了21年后,于2022-2023学年结束时退休.